Canadian Music Therapy Fund

George Stroumboulopoulos Scholarship

With the generous support of our friend and ambassador, George Stroumboulopoulos, the George Stroumboulopoulos Music Therapy Scholarship has been supporting music therapy education across Canada since 2018. This year, we are excited to partner with George once again to offer two scholarships to students enrolled in a CAMT-recognized music therapy education program at the graduate or undergraduate level.

George Stroumboulopoulos
Scholarship (2024/2025)

English Instructions

We are accepting applications for the George Stroumboulopoulos Scholarship again! There are two scholarships of $4000 available for Canadian music therapy students to help them complete their studies and internship hours. The scholarship is generously funded by George Stroumboulopoulos.



  • A student enrolled in a Canadian music therapy training program at the undergraduate or graduate level.
  • A student in any year who does not have an MTA certification, but is working towards obtaining certification after graduation.

*This scholarship is not for current MTA’s who have already completed their internship and accreditation requirements.



The application must include:

  • Resume. Include your name, contact information, and the University where you are studying.
  • A 500-word essay explaining why you are the ideal candidate for this scholarship.
  • Two letters of reference, including at least one from a faculty member at your academic institution.

Applications are due December 10th, 2024

Instructions en français

Nous recevons de nouveau des demandes pour la Bourse George Stroumboulopoulos ! Deux bourses de 4 000 $ chacune seront offertes aux musicothérapeutes canadiens afin de les aider à terminer leurs études et leurs heures d’internat. La bourse est généreusement financée par George Stroumboulopoulos.


  • Tout étudiant actuellement inscrit dans un programme de formation universitaire en musicothérapie au niveau de premier cycle ou deuxième cycle.
  • Un étudiant de n’importe quelle année qui n’a pas de certification MTA, mais qui travaillera pour obtenir une certification après l’obtention de son diplôme.

*Cette subvention ne s’adresse pas aux MTA qui ont déjà terminé leur internat et qui ont rempli les exigences de l’accréditation.


La demande doit comprendre :
Un curriculum vitae. Inscrivez votre nom, vos coordonnées et l’université dans laquelle vous étudiez
Un essai de 500 mots qui décrit les raisons pour lesquelles vous méritez cette bourse.
Deux lettres de recommandation : une de ces deux lettres doit au moins être écrite par un membre du corps professoral de votre établissement d’enseignement.

Il faut présenter les demandes avant le 10 décembre 2024.

Past Recipients


"Music has taught me that there is a realm where there is nothing but sound, rhythm and a loving presence where these imaginary lines that we have drawn among ourselves like countries, ideologies and even age just fade away beside our sense of self, leading to the beautiful collective realization that we are all musical notes in the symphony of life. I acknowledge myself as just another musical note in the big symphony, a citizen of the world who [deserves] the top tier education offered at Concordia, despite being born in an imaginary geographical space where access to education is a luxury very few can afford. The George Stroumboulopoulos Scholarship represents to me the possibility of continuing my studies at Concordia University and becoming a successful and well-prepared certified Music Therapist, who guided by music will continue to be the musical bridge for those voices around the world that need to be deeply heard and understood."

2024 Recipient

Jaimie Rose

"I grew up in rural Manitoba where there was very little talk about mental health services. I saw the inconsistent world of psychotherapy in Manitoba, where my friends and family have been harmed by practitioners who were supposedly there to help. My commitment to improving mental health services stems from a passion for my community. I believe that Manitoba needs to improve upon its professional standards for psychotherapy and a regulatory body could help reform that system. The process of establishing a regulatory body has already been started by FACT-Manitoba, and I am hoping to contribute to this push by using my time in Ontario to gain knowledge from other music psychotherapists regarding the role a regulatory body for psychotherapy plays in ensuring consistent and ethical care of clients. This scholarship will help me achieve that goal by enabling me to commit time to research this issue in addition to developing my skills as a music psychotherapist."

2024 Recipient


"I am extremely grateful to be a recipient of the George Stroumboulopoulos Scholarship. The funds will be used toward my tuition, cost of living, and equipment. I thank George for this precious opportunity that enables me to focus on my music therapy program and research so I can give back to the community in the future. I also appreciate the work that the Canadian Music Therapy Fund is doing to help those in need and to advocate for the healing power of music!"

2023 Recipient


"Thank you to the Canadian Music Therapy Fund and George Stroumboulopoulos for the music therapy scholarship. This will help me pay for the tuition of my last year to complete the bachelor and then become a certified music therapist. Personally I feel truly honoured to have been selected for this opportunity and overall I just wanted to say thank you for all your support to the music therapy field."

2023 Recipient


"I am so honoured to be selected as one of this year’s lucky recipients. The money from the scholarship will help to pay for part of my tuition, invest in new instruments, and cover some basic living costs. This scholarship gives me a break from worrying about my finances so I can really focus on school and grow into the future music therapist I want to be for my community. It’s great to know there are people like George who believe in our field and recognize the important role that music therapists play in health and well-being. Thank you so much, George and the Canadian Music Therapy Fund!"

2022 Recipient


"I am truly honoured to be a recipient of the George Stroumboulopoulos Music Therapy Scholarship for 2022. As I continue my Master of Music Therapy at Wilfrid Laurier University, I appreciate your professional support in raising social awareness for music therapy services and research, providing music therapy services for communities in need, and translating the science and jargon of music therapy, into clear and compelling multimedia. Ensuring that the public understands and experiences what music therapists are doing, leads to increased interest, which ultimately drives research and funding. As a pre-professional, your vital work does not go unnoticed. Thank you for your efforts in creating a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable future for music therapy."

2022 Recipient


"A lot has happened since receiving the scholarship in early 2021. In that same year I became a certified music therapist. I then defended my thesis April of this year (2023) and received the Dr. Sandi Curtis Music Therapy Social Justice Award for my work in increasing the representation of minoritized voices.Now, I work in a variety of settings but my main passion is working with children, (Q)BIPOC, and disabled communities. The George Stroumboulopoulos scholarship had a bigger impact on my life than I had anticipated. Ultimately, the recognition and support set a strong foundation for me to continue working towards my personal and professional goals. While I was already passionate about accessibility and representation, the outward acknowledgement of my work and dreams motivated me further."

2021 Recipient

Stéphane Supperville

"The scholarship helped me pay for my courses and strive for excellence in my school work. When I received the George Stroumboulopoulos scholarship, I felt so fulfilled and grateful. My increased self-confidence positively impacted my clinical work during my internship. I received the 2020 Dr. Sandi Curtis Music Therapy Social Justice Award for my commitment to mental health advocacy, demonstrated via my capstone project and clinical internship work with adults experiencing mental health challenges. I could not have done this without the scholarship. I currently work full-time as a music therapist in a day center for older adults losing autonomy. I also started a company that specializes in wellness."

2020 Recipient


I can’t emphasize enough how much this scholarship has helped support my music therapy journey. It allowed me to focus more time and energy on my education. It allowed me to purchase new instruments to help support my clients. It brings me gratitude and pride as a music therapist to watch my beloved field gain recognition through the support of individuals like George believing in our work. The more we advocate for the value of the field, the more individuals in need will have the opportunity to benefit from music Therapy. I am currently working as a full-time music therapist [and] recently received my training in Neurologic Music Therapy. One of the highlights of my journey thus far has been connecting with non-speaking clients through music. Music can become the pathway to connection. My work with non-speaking clients has taught me how transcendent music is, and how music therapy can open up new forms of communication.

2019 Recipient